Diggiloo – Digital Cultural Production from Youth to Youth

In the Diggiloo project youth groups from Finland, Estonia and The Netherlands join to create cultural product with each other and for each other. Groups meet on-line with the accompanied youth workers to co-operate and finally create a joint streamed closing event.

The project offers youth groups and the youth workers support in the cultural productions and networking. There will be training available about digital productions and the us of media and we offer a platform to publish the artefacts. As a result we gather and publish an eManual of Cultural digital youth work.


Website: https://diggiloo.humak.fi/
Project manager: Susanna Pitkänen
Email: susanna.pitkanen@humak.fi
Phone: +358440202306
Duration: 1.1.2022-31.12.2023
Partners Humak, Finland
STICHTING P60 Amstelveen, Netherlands
Gemeente Amstelveen Netherlands
Suomen Viron-instituutin säätiö – Finnish Institute in Estonia
TARTU NOORSOOTOO KESKUS EstoniaAssociated Partners:
Foundation Future Face – Amstelveen, Netherlands
Jyväskylän kaupungin kulttuuri- ja vapaa-ajan toimiala
Tampere Maja, Tarto, Estonia
Funder: Erasmus+KA2, Finnish National Agency for Education
Budget: 215 000


Diggiloo-hankkeen logo.

Diggiloon partnerit: Euroopan unioni, Humak, P60, Tartu Noorsootöö keskus, Finnish institute in Estonia, Gemeente Amsteelveen.