Congratulations on becoming a student at Humak University of Applied Sciences!

Piirrettyjä eri värisiä ja erilaisia kukkia kasvaa maassa.

You have awesome years of studying ahead of you. In order to get the most out of them, we have collected vital information for a new student in this letter of greeting. HUMAKO is Humak’s own student union, which you can join as a new student. Whether you are studying full-time or multiform learning, studying at the open university or a master’s degree – we are for you!

A new student, the Student Union HUMAKO has written a greeting letter for you. The letter contains tips to help you start your study journey smoothly. You will also find out how HUMAKO will be with you throughout your studies.

You will also find links to tutors’ greetings, which tell about the groups maintained by the tutors and the activities they organize even before the start of your studies.

Read HUMAKO’s greeting letter so you don’t miss out on the services provided by the Student Union and a chance to meet other people.

The Student Union HUMAKO is just for you!

Welcome new students letter

HUMAKO is for all students.

HUMAKO’s tutor greetings

HUMAKO’s tutor greetings contain more detailed information about the activities organized by the tutors during the summer and at the beginning of school. Tutors maintain communication groups as well as discussion forums for all Humak students. In the letter you will find instructions and links to join these groups.

Any student can contact tutors. They will advise, help you find the right answers and will support you during your Humak studies.

A Tutor-letter for degreestudents

To get started, follow HUMAKO on social media

Facebook @Opiskelijakunta.HUMAKO
Twitter: @HUMAKO_opku

Read also

Humak-info In English for New Students

Eri värisiä ruiskukkia ja vihreää nurmikkoa kuvistuskuva. Kuva Marika Stam.
Welcome to Humak!
2021-07-21 13:23:16