Humak Broadens its English Course Selection on Open UAS

Humak has strived to make its Open UAS course selection even more accessible than before by broadening the selection of courses offered in different languages. New courses are constantly being planned, and the goal is to offer courses from various fields in humanities to as wide of an audience as possible. Courses offered in English and Swedish can be easily viewed from our dedicated English language store page. 

Open UAS courses are designed to work in tandem with studies in related fields, or as standalone experiences. Choosing a course from Open UAS is a good option for people interested in deepening their understanding of a certain subject, or for people wanting to familiarize themselves with course contents before jumping into a degree programme.

A keyboard and a coffee cup on a table

Community Educator Open UAS Courses Offer a Great Starting Point for Studies

Humak’s web store currently offers two different Community Educator courses that are available for enrolment. Community Education is one of Humak’s focus areas, as seen in the ever popular Community Educator and Adventure and Outdoor Education Bachelor’s degree programmes.

We decided to branch out and offer our specialized knowledge of Community Education to everyone through Open UAS. These include Com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tors as NGO and youth work ex­perts 5 ECTS and Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tors as Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion Ex­perts 5 ECTS.

The aim of Community educators as NGO and youth work experts is to deepen the student’s understanding of NGO work in Finland, as well as its history, development and current state. As with all Community Educator courses, learning pedagogic skills and knowing how to apply them in practice play a major role in the studies.

Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tors as Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion Ex­perts is an introductory course into Adventure Education studies. During the course students will learn the ba­sic ideas and con­cepts of Outdoor Education, which are designed to promote personal growth. Participants discover the meaning of adventure education in preventive work, in supporting the growth and development of individuals and groups, in promoting personal engagement, in reinforcing the sense of community, and in promoting well-being.

COSM – Culture, Organisation and Sustainability Management

A brand new addition to our online course selection is a series of 5 ECTS courses that focus on the relationship between culture and sustainability. COSM consists of three courses that all tackle a different aspect of culture and sustainability. The course is led and planned by Marcin Poprawski, an expert in the field of cultural management.

Read more about COSM from here and watch Marcin Poprawski’s interview below.

Courses on Multimodal Interaction and Human Rights

Humak’s web store also offers courses for those interested in interpreting and alternative communication methods as well as for students keen on improving their knowledge about diversity and human rights. Hu­man Rights and Di­ver­si­ty 5 ECTS familiarizes stu­dents with the democratic value base that functions as the basis of pro­fes­sio­nal thin­king and prac­ti­ce. The cour­se also co­vers cul­tu­re and gen­der-sen­si­ti­ve work app­roach.

As society is in a state of constant change, it’s important to adapt to new environments. Thus, it is important to understand the functions and concepts that form the basis of our society. Human Right and Diversity offers a crash course on the inner workings of society.

Mul­ti­mo­dal In­te­rac­tion in Pro­fes­sio­nal Con­texts 3 ECTS de­ve­lops in­te­rac­tion skills with a spe­cial fo­cus on lin­guis­tic ac­ces­si­bi­li­ty. The familiarizes students with a mul­ti­mo­dal view of in­te­rac­tion and exa­mi­nes the uti­li­za­tion of the con­cept in dif­fe­rent wor­king en­vi­ron­ments. Communication is not just words, mea­nings are con­ve­yed by both ver­bal and non-ver­bal means, the course is suited for anyone interested in deepening their communication skills.


2020-12-21 15:29:12