New! Online cour­se in English Coac­hing-ba­sed app­roach 5 ECTS – 1.6.-31.8.2021

Piirretty hahmo lentää ilmapalloilla.

On this Open University of Applied Sciences online cour­se, stu­dents will fa­mi­lia­ri­ze with the ba­sic ideas, con­cepts, fra­me of re­fe­ren­ce, and prin­cip­les of Coac­hing-ba­sed app­roach. It can be imp­le­men­ted by an edu­ca­tor, inst­ruc­tor, teac­her and can be app­lied for examp­le in youth work, sports, bu­si­ness and li­fe in ge­ne­ral. On the cour­se, you will ac­qui­re know­led­ge about Coac­hing as a pe­da­go­gi­cal app­roach and spe­cia­li­ze in one of the fields of coac­hing.

The cour­se is part of the deg­ree prog­ram­me cur­ri­cu­lum in Ad­ven­tu­re and Out­door Edu­ca­tion, Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tor (Bac­he­lor of Hu­ma­ni­ties), at Hu­mak Uni­ver­si­ty of App­lied Scien­ces (for mo­re in­for­ma­tion, plea­se see our web­si­te). Ho­we­ver, this cour­se is al­so open for eve­ryo­ne in­te­res­ted in Coac­hing-ba­sed app­roach. The cour­se is well-sui­ted es­pe­cial­ly for stu­dents in the fields of Edu­ca­tion, So­cial Scien­ces, and Hu­ma­ni­ties.


  • Introduction to Coaching – Theoretical Framework
  • Coaching in Life, Business, Sports and Youth Work
  • Specializing to one Coaching Discipline

More information

Contact person: jussi.hynninen(at)

Price 75,00 . You will find more information and registration:Banneri, jossa kuvana paperilennokkimainen nuoli graafisesti ja mainosteksti seikkailukasvatuksen kurssista, pohjavärinä vaaleansininen.

6.5.2021 Marika Stam

2021-05-06 14:26:04