Transformative Evaluation Process of The Youth Work in Practice

  • Kirjoittaja: Jarmo Röksä, Communications Manager, Humak University of Applied Sciences, 13.3.2019

It has been difficult to evidence the difference that youth work makes both to lives of young people and their communities. This has been a challenge for those working in the field. Transformative evaluation model is developed to help youth workers to meet this challenge. It is evaluation model which helps to convince stakeholders, in other world decision makers and funders, on the impact of the youth work.

The video visialises the four phases of the Transformative Evaluation Process of the Youth Work in practical manner. For those interested on the further reading, you can find more detailed descriptions of the projects from these sources:

Susan Cooper (2018) Methodology of Transformative Evaluation, teoksessa Jon Ord with Marc Carletti, Susan Cooper, Christophe Dansac, Daniele Morciano, Lasse Siurala and Marti Taru (2018) The Impact of Youth Work in Europe: A Study of Five European Countries. Humak University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki.

The Impact of Youth Work in Europe: A Study of Five European Countries

Lasse Siurala, Eeva Sinisalo-Juha, Kristina Heikkilä, Hanna Mikkonen, Lauri Sundberg ja Netta Vahteri (2019) Nuorten kertomuksia nuorisotyön merkityksellisyydestä
Tarinallisen arvioinnin opaskirja. Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu, Helsinki

Nuorten kertomuksia nuorisotyön merkityksellisyydestä – tarinallisen arvioinnin opaskirja

Publishing date of the video 13.3.2019 by Humak University of Applied Sciences
Production, animation and story by Jarmo Röksä, Communications Manager, Humak University of Applied Sciences
Narrated by Olga Rantalaiho
Special thanks to Eeva Sinisalo-Juha for inspiration and support for the video and the commentary for the first draft of the manuscript.