Becoming an Interpreter in Contact Teaching at the Heart of the Sign Language Community

Application Instructions
Piirrettyjä päitä keskustelemassa toistensa kanssa. Taustalla on puhekuplia, lintuja, kirjaintauluja sekä selkokielisiä kuvakortteja.

UAS Joint Application in Spring 2022

Supplementary application 25.7.-5.8.2022.

You can apply for the sign language interpreting (Interpreter, Bachelor’s degree) daytime studies on our Helsinki campus.

Check out the education programme and application information at
Interpreter (Bachelor’s degree), Sign Language Interpreting, daytime studies, Helsinki RDI centre (Ilkka)

Interpreter (Bachelor’s Degree)

Degree title: Interpreter (Bachelor’s degree)
Scope of education: 240 ECTS
Planned duration: 4 years
Language of instruction: Finnish
Teaching begins: 1.9.2021
Curricula: Click here.

Sign Language Contact Teaching in Helsinki at the Heart of the Sign Language Community

Sign language interpretation training is provided on the Helsinki campus, which is located at the Valkea Talo in Haaga. There are several hearing care organizations in the same facilities as our campus. The environment allows you to get to know other organizations in the field and users of interpreters.

The Interpreter (Bachelor’s Degree) training includes the following areas:

  • Knowledge of working languages
  • Interaction skills
  • Cultural and operating environment expertise
  • Interpreting skills
  • Interpreter’s professional skills

During the studies, technology management is also discussed. It refers to the knowledge and management of the various IT tools, programmes and applications needed in an interpreter’s work and an understanding of how the rapidly advancing digitalisation affects the interpreter’s work environments and practices.

Our campus for interpreting training is multilingual. It is also possible for our students to get to know sign languages of other countries through international exchange.

Professional Skills of a Sign Language Interpreter

We train sign language interpreters who are experts in interpreting, human interaction and linguistic accessibility.

A sign language interpreter graduated from Humak:

  • masters their working languages
  • can interpret
  • is able to act in a professionally appropriate and ethical manner.

Job Opportunities of a Sign Language Interpreter (Interpreter, Bachelor’s Degree)

An interpreter (Bachelor’s degree) can act as an expert in sign language interpreting and translating for deaf people of all ages who use sign language. Humak’s interpreter training also includes the opportunity to qualify as an interpreter and translator for the deafblind. In addition, an interpreter (Bachelor’s degree) can act as an expert in the field of interpretation who understands the work of the interpreter and the interpretation process. These expert tasks can be, for example, teaching, organizational work and working on projects.

A sign language interpreter can work for an interpreting company or work as an entrepreneur.

The basis of the interpreting service is the laws that guarantee the right of those with hearing, vision and hearing, or speech impairment to interpreting and thereby participate in society.

An interpreter (Bachelor’s degree) promotes the right of people to use their own language and methods of communication in a variety of interaction situations. Through their work, interpreters contribute to the promotion of people’s right to self-determination and equal participation.