Publication Series

Our Publications Our Blogs
Mustahiuksinen piirretty hahmo puhuu ja hänen suusta tulee valkomustapilkullinen puhekupla.

Check out Humak’s publications and expert blogs from the fields of our focus areas. The publications are a visible example of RDI work at the forefront of our expertise and are intended to share the experience gained in our research and development projects and other work with the general public. For several years, Humak has been the most active publisher in relation to the number of employees among universities of applied sciences.

The content of the publications is created mainly through projects where we work in close collaboration with our partners. The publications develop the know-how of our industries and produce new teaching materials for the needs of all educational organizations.

Two Blog Series Give Voice to our Experts

Humak has two experts’ blog publication series. The articles submitted to these blog publication series are reviewed by publications committee.

  • Experts’ Blog series
  • Harticle-series

In addition some blogs are given out by some of our projects.

Experts’ Blogs

Publications Committee of Experts’ Blog (4/2023):

  • Zita Kóbor-Laitinen, head teacher
  • Merja Kylmäkoski, head teacher
  • Arto Lindholm, head teacher
  • Pekka Vartiainen, head teacher (president)

Manuscripts of blog texts should be submitted to

Blog Writing Instructions

We also welcome writings from Humak’s partners. You can suggest texts or video blogs you have made to the Publications Committee by sending the material to under the heading “Proposal for a blog publication”.


Harticle series is presenting articles on the various activities and RDI-projects in Humak. The Publications Committee of the Harticles (9/2023) is:

  • Hanna Kiuru, lehtori
  • Jarmo Röksä, viestintäpäällikkö
  • Mikko Äärynen, kehittämispäällikkö

Harticles should be submitted to julkaisut(at)