A Look Into Open UAS Course Selection

Humak’s has a number of courses on Open UAS that are available for everyone. You can pick and choose the courses you’re most interested in and purchase them conveniently through our web store. Most of the offered courses are completely free for the unemployed and people temporarily laid off when you sign up at the latest on 24.5.2021.

A cartoon bird on an orange backround. Open UAS, kauppa.humak.fi/en

Browse through available courses by clicking the banner above. Stay tuned for updates, many new courses in English are going to become available shortly for the upcoming fall semester! The courses include adventurous, pedagogical and cultural study modules.

Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tors as Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion Ex­perts (5 ECTS)

This course will familiarize students with the basics of adventure education. Adventure education is one of Humak’s main focus areas and Humak helped pioneer the development of adventure education in Finland. This course is a part of Humak’s Adventure and Outdoor Education, Community Educator (Bachelor of Humanities) degree programme, click here to read more about the degree programme.

On the Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tors as Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion Ex­perts cour­se, stu­dents will fa­mi­lia­ri­ze them­sel­ves with the ba­sic ideas, con­cepts and principles of adventure education. It’s more than just hiking, climbing, kayaking and adventure in the wilds, adventure education also encompasses broad pedagogical aspects related to real world activities. In ad­ven­tu­re edu­ca­tion, the fo­cus is on ex­pe­rien­tial, ac­ti­vi­ty- and ad­ven­tu­re-ba­sed met­hods and pro­ces­ses. They are tar­ge­ted to sup­port and pro­mo­te personal de­ve­lop­ment and lear­ning.

Studying adventure education is helpful in the fields of education, youth work and entrepreneurship, it helps students hone their pedagogical leadership skills and readies students to work in leadership positions. On the cour­se, stu­dents will ac­qui­re know­led­ge about Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion as a pe­da­go­gi­cal app­roach. The cour­se is well sui­ted es­pe­cial­ly for stu­dents in the fields of Edu­ca­tion, So­cial Scien­ces, and Hu­ma­ni­ties.

Read more about Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tors as Ad­ven­tu­re Edu­ca­tion Ex­perts from our webstore. Registration deadline for the course is 24.5.2021.

Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts (3 ECTS)

Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts is a 3 ECTS online course. The course is based on recent studies on multimodal interaction and multilingualism. The core idea of the course revolves around the question “how do we create meaning by using different resources in interaction, such as speech, writing, signed languages, gestures, material objects and touch?”

Du­ring the cour­se, the stu­dent be­co­mes ac­quain­ted with a mul­ti­mo­dal view of in­te­rac­tion and exa­mi­nes the uti­li­za­tion of the con­cept in dif­fe­rent wor­king en­vi­ron­ments. The stu­dent prac­ti­ces ob­ser­ving in­te­rac­tion si­tua­tions and learns different ways of interacting with peop­le use in or­der to un­ders­tand and be un­ders­tood. Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts also teaches you how to communicate more effectively online. Especially now, when remote working and teaching has become the new norm, having good communication skills is more important than ever.

Using multiple communicative modes allows people to participate in interaction situations where one might struggle with languages that are being used. By broadening your understanding of multimodal communication, you enable yourself and others to understand and to be understood.

Read more about Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts from our webstore. Registration deadline is 24.5.2021.

Hu­man Rights and Di­ver­si­ty (5 ECTS)

Human rights, diversity and cultural awareness are important topics in today’s society. The aim of this course is to broaden the perspective on the democratic value base as a foundation of professional thinking and practises, such as culture and gender-sensitive work approach. During the studies students will learn to professionally evaluate and recognise their personal relationship with diversity as well as to identify a range of factors that define “self” and “other”.

Read more about Human Rights and Diversity from our webstore. Registration deadline is 22.4.2021.

2021-02-12 15:54:37