Digivisio jatkuvan oppimisen pilotti

Digivisio’s first implementation’s working title is the continuous and flexible learning tray. The aim of the new digital service is to combine the continuous learning offering of Finnish higher education institutions so that learners can access it easily and effortlessly in one place. The development of the tray takes place through partial publications. In the work pilot of the continuous and flexible learning tray, the 1.0 sub-release of the tray is being developed, which includes informal and non-formal continuous learning offerings.


In the pilot, the functional, qualitative and technical development of informal and non-formal education goes hand in hand. The purpose of piloting is to develop and develop technical implementation, including high-quality qualitative development and functional change. In the pilot, informal and non-formal continuous learning training offerings are identified and packaged as a continuous learning service form on a tray. The goal is to describe the offer based on competences and define during the pilot, in cooperation with other higher education institutions, the information about public education that the learner will see on the tray. A management user interface is made for the training offer, from which the information of the offer is entered into the tray during piloting.

Humak’s goal is to expand the portfolio of continuous learning service forms, to promote the utilization of training and materials created in the RDI-projects after the project by developing a process by which informal and non-formal training products become part of the training offer after the project, and to find ways to market formal and paid continuous learning training by utilizing informal and non-formal provision.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2023
Project manager: Taina Tossavainen
Email: taina.tossavainen@humak.fi
Funder: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Budget: >50 000 – 100 000 euroa