Hyvällä mielellä Pohjois-Savo 2021-2030

The focus of the project is on developing and supporting the permanent structures of the municipalities of Northern Savonia, strengthening networks and working together with residents. With the help of the project, the welfare work of municipalities, the third sector and companies is comprehensively strengthened and supported. Residents are recruited as development work planners, operators and experience experts in all phases of the project. The target group of the project is especially the people of Northern Savonia who are not in the working life, but in addition, the measures are also more broadly aimed at people of working age in Northern Savonia.

The focus of the project is on prevention and early intervention. The aim of the effects of the project’s activities is first and foremost to get the unemployed and those outside the working life (e.g. marginalized / those suffering from mental health and substance abuse problems or those in risk groups from Northern Savonia, those laid off as a result of the corona epidemic), whose mental well-being capabilities are developed in such a way that at the same time the possibility of returning to working life is supported.

The two-year project is the beginning of a longer-term regional development program that will be implemented over the next 10 years. The city of Kuopio is responsible for project management, coordination, implementation of operational models to municipalities and communication. Part-implementers are the University of Eastern Finland, which is responsible for the overall assessment of the effects of knowledge-based management and operating models in the project, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, which is responsible for the implementation of training courses and support for the introduction of effective lifestyle guidance models, and Humak University of Applied Sciences, which is responsible for themes related to organizational cooperation and participation. A wide range of other actors also participates in the implementation of the project: the 17 municipalities of Pohjois-Savo, the region’s educational institutions, the third sector, companies and, above all, residents.


Hyvällä mielellä Pohjois-Savo 2021-2023 – projects goal is to change the unfavorable development direction of well-being through wide-ranging cooperation, emphasizing preventive and effective measures with a long-term project set. The project aims to strengthen the mental well-being and mental health of the residents of Northern Savonia province, especially groups in a weaker position, out of work life and unemployed, and to reduce the use of intoxicants.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.05.2021 – 31.08.2023
Project manager: Anu Leskinen
Email: anu.leskinen@humak.fi
Partners: City of Kuopio
Savonia Uniiversity of Applied Sciences
University of Eastern Finland
Funder: EU: ESR -rahoitus
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa
Website: Linkki

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Kuopion kaupunki logoSavonia ammattikorkeakoulu logoItä-Suomen Yliopisto logo