CreaCoop – Development and training program for cooperatives in creative sectors

The CreaCoop project aims to develop cooperatives in the creative industries through a programme of training and coaching. The target group of the project are creative co-operatives in Finland, mainly in the Turku region.

Four work packages will be implemented during the project. The first work package will provide training on cooperatives and entrepreneurship for cooperative members and information sessions for those interested in cooperatives. The second work package will develop the functioning of cooperatives through a coaching programme. During the coaching programme, the cooperatives will draw up a development plan and launch development work. In the third work package, the products and services of cooperatives will be developed through service design. The fourth work package is aimed at business and labour counsellors in Finland as a further training course on cooperatives. The results of the project will be compiled into a national database for use by the creative industries. The database will help cooperatives to develop their activities.


The CreaCoop project aims to develop cooperatives in the creative industries through a programme of training and coaching. The target group of the project are creative co-operatives in Finland, mainly in the Turku region.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Partners: Pellervo Coop Center.
Art and Culture Professionals’ Trade Union TAKU.
Funder: EU: ESR -rahoitus
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa