DIGISTI – Taking over digital skills at upper secondary level

DIGISTI – Taking over digital skills at upper secondary level -project (funded by European Social Fund) enhances digital skills of secondary students. In addition, the pedagogical staff is supported in a situation where a corona pandemic has had a significant impact on secondary education, student employment and well-being. The project offers support to seven upper secondary schools from Helsinki region. The project is funded as part of the actions taken by the European Union due to the covid-19 pandemic.


The goal of the project is to increase the well-being of the students with fewer opportunities and facilitate the transition to working life or postgraduate studies. This goal is aimed at by supporting and developing students’ digital skills, which are a prerequisite both for success in studies and for employment. The project also aims to reach students who have experienced loneliness by offering them online youth activities.

The project will not produce new applications or learning environments. Instead, the project encourages participants to experiment and adapt existing digital tools to different needs. The culture of experimentation is built e.g. with the help of youth work. The project contributes to repairing the effects of a pandemic by providing its participants with an opportunity to do good for each other, for example, teachers participating in the project can inspire their own students to take part in the project, and students can bring their fellow students to the project. Participants can also support each other in learning digital skills. The idea is that the individual participants, enthusiastic about the measures offered by the project, will spread their enthusiasm for the development of digital skills, similar to rings forming around a rock falling into the water. The activities offered by the project are participant-oriented and diverse. For the students who participated in the project, the project gives better skills to use digital services, and also supported their participation and equality in the digital society.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.09.2021 – 31.10.2023
Project manager: Jenni Hernelahti
Email: jenni.hernelahti@humak.fi
Partners: The Deaconess Foundation Helsinki
Laurea University o Applied Sciences
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Wenhe Ltd
Funder: EU: ESR -rahoitus
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa
Website: Linkki