EDU-Creating New Customer Value through cross-border

EDU-Creating New Customer Value through cross-border cooperation (EDUCRO) creates an interactively co-creating cross-border alliance with partner education institutions and their partners, businesses and institutions in creative and culture and hospitality industries in order to develop new competences. These competences include new knowledge and networking skills that allow local companies, entrepreneurs and cultural organisations to create new customer-oriented internationally competent cultural products and services in the digital age.

EDUCRO builds regional and cross-border partnerships by means of developing co-creative education and future-oriented innovation-capacity building contents and methods for value creation. The partners in the project develop education environments, methods and new work-life relevant courses and the contents of the education to meet the education gap, to support the innovation capacity and competitiveness. The courses content reflects the needs of the creative and hospitality industries and includes new customer-oriented cultural service concepts, created in cross-border collaboration.

EDUCRO enables dissemination of the results by the development of the collaborative education methods and communicating them by publishing the reports and journal articles and participating in the relevant events.


Filling the education gap and improving the innovation capacity with new contents, methods, courses and programs

The contents of education focus on customer-oriented product development, the digital opportunities, new revenue models and developing audience relations.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.10.2019 – 31.12.2022
Project manager: Juha Iso-Aho
Partners: LAB University of Applied Sciences,
St. Petersburg Institute of Cultural Programs (until 24.2.2022),
Funder: EU: Muut, Kunnat ja kuntainliitot
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa