Freelancereille osaamispaketti

Freelancer can! project will offer freelance workers an opportunity to reflect on their own skills and plan their competence development in workshops. In addition, project offers free courses at the Humak open university of applied sciences. The workshops are carried out in series of four workshops per semester.
The project will continue until 31.12.2024 .
The project is funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment.


As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the operations and profitability of the entire culture and event sector became very uncertain and difficult due to the restrictions. The precarious labour market position had a particularly large impact on freelancers’ employment and livelihood. According to studies conducted during the pandemic (e.g. Theatre and Media Workers’ Union Teme and Humak), freelancers feel the need to develop their own skills, especially in terms of working life, diversity and entrepreneurship skills. However, they feel that their opportunities to study are clearly worse than salaried employees. This is partly due to the irregularity of work and working hours, but also to the uncertainty and irregularity of income from work. It’s hard for freelancers to commit to long-term training, especially if they require you to be present at a specific location at certain times. In this project, we offer the opportunity to choose the most suitable courses offered online.
It is also important to strengthen freelancers’ working life, diversity and entrepreneurial skills. Without a work community, they are easily left alone and under pressure to agree to undesirable working conditions or discriminatory treatment, but on the other hand, work management requires skills that are not always available in educational institutions. By strengthening working life skills, we support them in demanding and promoting their own rights and fair treatment.
The strength of the project lies in the orientation based on the needs of the hard-to-reach target group.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.08.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project manager: Sikke Leinikki
Partners: The workshops of the project will be carried out together with Valtamo Oy.
The project is funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment.
Funder: Opetushallitus
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa