
With the help of the Freet2030 project, we were looking for more functional structures for the work of freelancers in the cultural sector. We tried to understand variety of the earning models of freelancers and build functional structures for working and well-being at work for the freelance-work that is done in a puzzle-like manner.
The potential of the creative industries is significant for the national economy and growing. However, there is a lot of vulnerability in the ways of working, for example due to weak protective structures. The Freet2030 project were looking for ways to make work more secure and to make it possible for professionals to focus on their own work and developing in it. In the creative industries, freelancing takes place in a variety of contractual relationships, such as paid work, invoicing without a company, grants or various forms of entrepreneurship. Contractual relationships vary or are simultaneous and very challenging in terms of earnings and social security.


The project carried out workshops and collected interview data to clarify the situational picture of freelancers’ working life.
Based on the situational picture, a digital freelance clinic concept was built to address the challenges related to freelance work. The implementation of the concept was left to future projects.
The creation of situational awareness and advocacy work were carried out in close cooperation with other ongoing projects.
The project sought impact by publishing diligently and offering practical solutions to the challenges related to working and commissioning by producing a freelancer clinic concept.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.06.2021 – 31.01.2023
Project manager: Sikke Leinikki
Partners: Theatre and Media Workers’ Union Teme
Union of Musicians,
Finnish Theatres,
Audiovisual Producers Finland – Apfi ry,
Theatre Centre Finland,
Funder: Muu julkinen rahoitus
Budget: Alle tai 50 000 euroa