Game Over? – Continue!

Game Over? – Continue! The project strengthens the future prospects, well-being and life management of young
people (16-29 years old) in North Savonia through digital gaming activities.

Young people studying at the 2nd level who are excited about playing but have dropped out of school or have accumulated a lot of absences participate in group activities, where they get to practice various skills that support their attachment and motivation to study and work. At the same time, new research data on the effects of the operating model on the overall well-being of young people is produced.


1) strengthen young people’s life management, inclusion and well-being through guided digital gaming activities
2) to prevent the interruption of secondary education and to support young people towards working life
3) produce new research data on the effects of digital gaming and related guided group activities on the well-being,
social relations, functional capacity and health of young people
4) organize gaming events, involving young people in the arrangements and planning
5) to create an operating model that can be applied to work with young people, for example in youth work, employment services or sports clubs, and to support the game education skills of educators.

The group activities will be modeled in cooperation with partners, in which case it can be applied e.g. rehabilitative work and youth services. A separate portfolio is worked out with the participants, specifying the skills acquired in the project activities, which the young person can still utilize in their studies and job search.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.10.2022 – 31.12.2023
Project manager: Nina-Elise Koivumäki
Partners: Savonia University of Applied Sciences.
University of Eastern Finland.
Funder: EU: ESR -rahoitus
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa
Website: Linkki