Good Gaming in Finland

Good Gaming in Finland project gathers information about gaming activities and game education throughout different parts of Finland, and supports the spread of the best and most impactful practices and expertise on a national level.

The project aims to identify the most successful approaches that have contributed to improving the well-being, digital skills, and employment opportunities of participants.

Additionally, the project investigates the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on gaming activities, and examines the needs related to game education expertise among professionals working with young people.


1) Outlining and compiling effective practices and models of gaming activities that enhance digital skills, employment, and social abilities.
2) Defining the needs for game education expertise.
3) Building up the network and enhancing possibilities for further development.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.08.2023 – 31.12.2023
Project manager: Pasi Tuominen
Partners: Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Funder: EU: ESR+ -rahoitus
Budget: Alle tai 50 000 euroa