JATKUMO-korkeakoulut yritysten jatkuvan oppimisen tukena

Continuous learning plays an important role in the development of society and is one of the top goals of education. Universities of applied sciences are required to have business-oriented service models and intelligent specialization in strategically selected areas of expertise, which is why they have developed different service models in relation to their own strategy. The novelty value of this project is that the service models are planned and piloted jointly among the universities of applied sciences.

The purpose of the JATKUMO project is to deepen cooperation between universities of applied sciences and to create service and operating models related to continuous learning. With the cooperation, each university of applied sciences has the opportunity to highlight its own top skills, which are available to all companies and organizations nationwide.


The goal of the project is to outline the skills needed in companies, develop service business-related cooperation between universities of applies sciences, improve the visibility of continuous learning and the social impact of universities of applied sciences, and support the employment goals of the target groups of the municipal employment experiment.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 12.06.2020 – 31.07.2023
Project manager: Konsta Ylimaunu
Email: konsta.ylimaunu@humak.fi
Partners: Lapland University Of Applied Sciences
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
Karelia University of Applied Scienceshttps://www.karelia.fi/en/front-page/
Laurea University of Applied Scienceshttps://www.laurea.fi/en/
Centria University of Applied Scienceshttps://net.centria.fi/en/
Savonia University of Applied Scienceshttps://www.savonia.fi/en/homepage/
Oulu University of Applied Sciences
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
LAB University of Applied Sciences
Funder: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Budget: >50 000 – 100 000 euroa