Uusinajateltu maakuntahistoria-valmisteluhanke

In the “Reimagined provincial history” preparatory project, a large, multi-stakeholder collaboration aimed at introducing the regional history of South Karelia to funding applications for the upcoming EU program period and other possible funding channels was planned. The whole project produces services and products for sale and makes the history of South Karelia visible to strengthen the elements of the South Karelia identity of the province’s children and youth, as well as other residents and leisure residents. Ultimately, the overall goal of the project is to serve to strengthen the province’s vitality by raising the interest and appreciation of the area in the minds of both its residents and those visiting the province or considering moving there.

Since the goal is a project implemented as a collaboration of several organizations, it is necessary to plan its content and prepare the application documents for different applications in a separate preparation project. For example, EU cultural funding as well as other EU funding requires good, targeted applications, which are practically impossible to implement sufficiently well without a common, sufficiently resourced application. In this preparatory project, the future measures of the project are considered, the funding possibilities are clarified and funding applications are prepared for future applications.


The desired result of the planning project is a common understanding of what will be done in the project complex produced for the implementation of provincial history, as well as the role of each participating organization in them, and an understanding of how the project complex can be financed, i.e. to which applications project applications will be submitted. When it is an international project that requires partners, the end result is also a clear understanding of which parties are interested partners and cooperation discussions are at least ongoing.

The measures of the future project/projects are clearly described after the planning project and their goals are defined. The planning takes place entirely in the spirit of experimental development and also gives room for further refinement of the plans. The work is concretized in the application template, which is taken as far as possible, but can be adapted to different searches. In practice, after the planning project, there are at least the first funding applications, which can be modified as required by potential funding applications.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 16.08.2021 – 15.06.2022
Project manager: Juha Iso-Aho
Email: juha.iso-aho@humak.fi
Partners: Humak University of Applied Sciences, www.humak.fi
Lappeenrannan museot,
LAB University of Applied Sciences, www.lab.fi
Kulttuuritila Nuijamies,
Etelä-Karjalan Yrittäjät,
Funder: Kotimaiset yksityiset rahastot ja säätiöt
Budget: Alle tai 50 000 euroa