Teollisuuden työpaikkojen ääniympäristön ratkaisukeskeinen kehittäminen

The study examined the obstacles and prerequisites for noise abatement in industrial companies in a multidisciplinary and multi-method manner. It also built a new operating model for noise management and practical noise abatement solutions. By collaboratively testing the solutions to be developed, it was investigated how best to remove the identified obstacles and how best to implement noise abatement measures and reduce noise exposure.


Based on the material collected in the project, it was possible to draw conclusions and propose technical solutions for noise abatement in a reliable and generalizable manner and to name the key sociocultural factors in terms of noise management.The project was significant for its multidisciplinary and multi-method approach.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.06.2021 – 28.02.2023
Project manager: Anu Järvensivu
Email: anu.jarvensivu@humak.fi
Funder: Kotimaiset yksityiset rahastot ja säätiöt
Budget: >50 000 – 100 000 euroa