VALORISTEYS – Kulttuurin ja matkailun sisällöntuotanto Etelä-Karjalassa pandemian jälkeen

Valoristeys is a cultural tourism development project in South Karelia, which is implemented by the Humak University of Applied Sciences from March 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. The project improves the networking and information flow of cultural tourism operators in the region, and offers training for cultural tourism entrepreneurs.


1) The product development and marketing skills of South Karelia’s cultural tourism and event production industry operators will improve and new products that meet internationalization criteria will be launched on the market.
2) As many of the existing South Karelian cultural tourism and program service companies as possible will survive the pandemic crisis.
3) Cooperation between different sectors of tourism increases and products are built, marketed and sold more often together and packaged together.
4) Projects and other actors related to culture and nature tourism increase their communication, act in a coordinated manner and carry out trainings and workshops offered to the target group together, if necessary.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.03.2021 – 28.02.2023
Project manager: Juha Iso-Aho
Funder: Kunnat ja kuntainliitot
Budget: >50 000 – 100 000 euroa