Vevent – Boosting the Virtual Event Industry

As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, creative producers in particular have been in economical distress. The challenges have been faced perhaps most severely by producers working in event production and by stakeholders and actors closely dependent on their activities. This project is implemented by all the Universities of Applied Sciences that educate Cultural Producers in Finland.

In the project, we will study and create national models that will strengthen the knowhow of using XR technologies in creative industries and give tools for future employment and new innovations. The project’s outcome will enhance education that offers new tools. One of the new needed tools in the event production industry – according to the feedback given by the alumnae, networks and students at the universities – is the knowledge and understanding of XR possibilities in event production. A solution is sought for the continuity of event production and the discovery of new earning models through XR virtuality and new technologies.


The main idea of this project

– Make a synthesis on the existing and future oriented know-how, networks and different solutions using XR technologies in event production. This synthesise will be produced in Vevent Forums (organised regularly).

– The project includes four event pilots. These four events will explore new xr technologies. The pilots will be organised in diffrerent parts of Finland: Seinäjoki, Helsinki region and Turku.

– Create a virtual course that will be available for everyone free of charge (for approximately 2 years after the project ends.)

– A long term goal is to understand how XR technologies could be possible for all consumer groups. The project, together with the four main pilots and all the VeventForums, tries to find ways to reshape these earnings models.

– The main target group consists of the producers who haven’t (so far) been using XR technologies in their work or studies. (Producers, alumnae, students who are just finishing their studies etc.)

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.03.2021 – 30.04.2022
Project manager: Oona Tikkaoja
Funder: EU: ESR -rahoitus
Budget: Alle tai 50 000 euroa