Yhteisölähtöinen kotoutuminen

Pilot for community-sponsored integration

Integration is always an individual process, during which the person going through integration is introduced to the opportunities of the new society and learns to manage their everyday life in their own community. The integration process can include various personal or societal factors that slow down or speed up their settling in Finland.

The pilot for community-sponsored integration makes use of diverse competence and experience that the third-sector actors have accumulated over decades in immigration work. The authorities’ good practices and network cooperation also provide a fruitful foundation for the pilot to draw on in practice.

At the beginning of community-sponsored integration, the goals and hopes of the person going through integration are established as well as possible. Forms of activity are tailored together with that person to help them to get a better hold of their everyday life in the new municipality. The goal is to diversify activities in the receiving municipality and to raise the number of committed actors. Community sponsor groups and activities are launched in the pilot.

The project launches activities in approximately 15 municipalities receiving quota refugees over the course of three years.


Goal 1: The quota refugees recognise the opportunities of the municipality. They feel that they are welcome in the activities and the whole community. Their contacts and social network grow with the support of community sponsors.

Goal 2: The community sponsors recognise their tasks and have clear roles. They develop the activities in ways that are fitting for the municipality. They are motivated and satisfied with the activities. They receive any support and training they need from the project staff and the authorities in charge.

Goal 3: We gain experience on community-sponsored integration from different municipalities. Different interest groups participate in the development work actively. The target group’s members participate equally.

Duration (päivämäärinä): 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Project manager: Satu Riikonen
Email: satu.riikonen@humak.fi
Partners: Finnish Red Cross headquarter
Finnish Red Cross Southwest Finland district
Finnish Red Cross Western Finland district
Finnish Red Cross Oulu district
Finnish Red Cross Southeast Finland districtChurch Council
Funder: EU: AMIF (EUSA)
Budget: > 100 000 – 300 000 euroa

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