Facing change: Integration through studying in Finland as a foreign student

Laumapodin jaksokuva "Korostuuko digitaalisuus nuorisotyöntekijöille tulevaisuudessa?". Neljä henkilöä hymyilee kameralle ja poseeraa rivissä: Aino Tormulainen, Konsta Ylimaunu, Timo Parkkola ja Minna Ilva. Laumapodin ja Humakin logo alareunassa.

On the left, the logo of Laumapod and Humak. In the middle is the text "Laumapod's new episode now available to listen to!". On the right, Laumapod's episode photo "Facing change: Integration through studying in Finland as a foreign student. Three people smile for the camera and pose in a row: Miia Riihimäki, Lesia Lyndova and Olha Mihaylova. Laumapod's and Humak's logo at the bottom.

In this episode, we focus on exploring ways to increase the engagement and inclusion of foreign newcomers in their new host country, Finland.

The integration of foreigners into Finnish society and studies can be difficult when it comes to understanding and applying for education, writing in English and learning the Finnish language. How can we help them overcome these challenges? What is the role of experiential learning, where students can learn by doing?

The space for discussion will be hosted by Miia Riihimäki, the lecturer in The Humak’s Bachelor’s Degree in Adventure and Outdoor Education. Specialist Lesia Lyndova and participant Olha Mihaylova of Humak’s LEARN studies will share their experiences and thoughts on the topic.

Listen episode:


Valkoisia piirroshahmoja mustalla taustalla. Valkoinen maaliroiske. Teksti Laumapodi.

The podcast series celebrates Humak’s 25th anniversary

Laumapodi is Humak’s 25th anniversary production. In the podcast series, we take a look at Humak’s role as a community builder, and in the episodes we let our own and our stakeholders’ experts speak. In the Laumapodi – Näköalapaikalla tulevaisuuteen series, we are looking for solutions for the development of different communities with the theme “What kind of solutions does a small university have for big, devilish problems?”

In our podcast episodes, we consider how society and the many different communities we belong to affect our well-being. How can communities be developed so that they support both individual well-being and build a more sustainable world around them? What is needed to strengthen community, to increase inclusion, to build a more accessible society or a more sustainable world?

2023-11-29 08:09:18