Lena Segler-Heikkilä & Liisa Halkosaari (toim.) Kommunikaation monet kasvot | The many faces of communication

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All of us have the right and the duty to communicate. In the multicultural and multiligual world of today, people from different cultural and linguistic back­grounds encounter daily. Communication between people of the modern world is multifaceted because of its highly individual character. In order to communicate in a way that fosters understanding, wellbeing and equality it is important that we all increase our communicational knowledge. When two or more persons meet, the communication builds on their individual cultural and lingual back­grounds. Here, communicational knowledge and openmindedness are of great importance in order to achieve a positive outcome which means understanding and wellbeing on both sides.

In this multilingual and digital publication, we have chosen to focus on communi­cation from three perspectives: linguistic accessibility, interpreting and commu­nication skills. The articles are written in Finnish, Swedish or English.

We hope that this publication can pass on some of our observations related to linguistic accessibility, interpreting and communication skills in a multicultural and multilingual environment.

You can download the publication from here.

Kommunikaation monet kasvot. The many faces of communication.

Kommunikaation monet kasvot
The many faces of communication

Lena Segler-Heikkilä & Liisa Halkosaari (toim.)

ISBN 978-952-456-421-2
ISSN 2343-0672 (verkkojulkaisu)
Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja, 144. 


Lena Segler-Heikkilä and Liisa Halkosaari: Introduction

Abstracts in English


Sabine Fries: More Career Opportunities for Deaf People: Digitising SignWriting

Zita Kóbor-Laitinen: Redundanssista ja relevanssista kielensisäisessä tekstityksessä


Liisa Halkosaari & Juha Manunen: Tulkkauksen onnistuminen on jokaisen vastuulla – keinoja toimivaan vuorovaikutukseen työpaikalla

Juha Manunen & Marjukka Nisula: Självbedömning som didaktisk metod i utbildningen av teckenspråkstolkar

Päivi Rainò: Saturation or shortage? Does sign language interpreter education in Finland match the demand in the labour market?


Päivi-Maria Hautala & Sanna Pikku-Pyhältö: Kuvan käyttö dialogisen vuorovaikutuksen menetelmänä asiakastyössä

Lena Segler-Heikkilä: Sosioemotionaalisen osaamisen, vuorovaikutustaitojen ja työhyvinvoinnin suhde

Lena Segler-Heikkilä: “I felt appreciated and noticed” Nonviolent Interaction at Work – a Strategy for Improving Communication-Based  Wellbeing at the Workplace

Päivi Timonen: CPSCOL- Valmennuspedagoginen malli vuorovaikutuksen edistäjänä verkko-opiskelussa